When I removed my Joker Machine ignition relocation kit yesterday, I noticed when I inspected the wiring harness that some of the wires were cracking, probably from the motion of bending whenever I turned left or right.


Ignition wiring harness with original outside plastic and rubber removed

Instead of ordering a new ignition switch with new wires (only way to replace the wires) for about $188 plus shipping, I decided to see if I could repair the original wires and make it last some years longer. So, I removed the wiring harness from the switch and proceeded with the following repair.


Cracked insulation on some wires inside the harness from turning motion.

I had previously purchased a bottle of Liquid Tape electrical insulation made by Performix. I started applying thin layers of this product to the cracked wires.


Performix Liquid Tape applied to cracked wires

I continued to add thin layers to the wires, keeping them spread apart so each wire was fully and independently covered.


Wires after several more coats of Liquid Tape.

I plan to wrap these wires in a new rubber/plastic sheath and tape it up with high quality electrical tape before installing back on the Bonneville. I’ll update this post when I get that completed.

March 16, 2014 Update

I have completed coating the ignition harness and putting it all back together for installation in my new instrument panel. This product seems to work pretty well. Time will tell!


Ignition wiring harness re-assembled, with Performix Liquid Tape applied.

ignition wiring-harness-installed

Repaired ignition wiring harness installed on back of new D9 Bracket.